Tattoo Aftercare

Las Vegas Tattoos

Tattoo Aftercare

If you feel at risk for an infection reach out to the Southern Nevada

Health Department at (702) 759-0677 or send written comments

to : Post Office Box 3902 Las Vegas, Nevada 89127

Step 1

Leave your bandage on for a minimum of 1 hour and no longer than 4 or 5 hours. DO NOT RE-BANDAGE unless advised otherwise.

Step 2

The single best thing you can do for your new tattoo is wash it with antimicrobial soap. We recommend doing this 3x a day to clean away any old discharge, ink, etc. Once thoroughly rinsed, pat dry with a disposable paper product.

step 3

To protect and moisturize your new tattoo, we suggest applying a very light layer of Aquaphor after washing. After 3 days, switch to a non-scented lotion such as Lubriderm to aid in the healing of your skin.

Tips for healing

  • Don’t soak in water

  • No direct sunlight

  • Wear breathable clothing